Echoes from the field

ALSF’s continued support to Eswatini brings first competitive IPP procurement to a close despite COVID-19

The ALSF is supporting the Kingdom of Eswatini’s first competitive procurement process through the launch of a request for proposals (“RfQ”) for the procurement of 40MW of solar PV. The capacity for each solar PV plant will range between 5-15 MW and each project shall utilise proven ground mounted solar PV technology. The RfQ was launched on 7 June 2019 by the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority (ESERA).  During the RfQ stage, there was an excellent response from the market and 13 bidders were pre-selected for the request for proposals (“RfP”).


Despite the emerging challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic, the RfP was launched on 6 March 2020 followed by a virtual Bidders’ Conference on 8 April which was attended by all the pre-selected bidders. ESERA, the procuring committee, the ALSF and the Advisors have been in constant communication with the stakeholders and bidders to ensure that the process continues progressing in this new and difficult environment.


Based on the ongoing discussions with the bidders, the procuring authority accepted to extend the submission period and reassess some of the parameters of the RfP to keep the process competitive while acknowledging the new circumstances. On 30 November 2020, the bidders have submitted their bids. In light of the number of projects submitted despite the pandemic, the procuring committee is really pleased with the closing of the process and has proceeded to the evaluation of the bids. The announcement of the selected projects is expected by Q2 of this year.



About the ALSF

Created by the African Development Bank in 2010, the ALSF supports governments in negotiating complex commercial transactions, providing legal and technical assistance in public-private partnership projects across the oil and gas, mining and energy sectors, and covering sovereign debt issues and creditor litigation.


Contact us

Eve Ehoura, Communication Officer:

Gadi Taj Ndahumba, Head of Power Sector: