The Sovereign Debt in Africa Handbook is intended to empower public debt managers and anyone involved
in public debt and financial management in Africa by demystifying complex concepts and terminology and providing a practical guide.
The book is available here.
African Mining Legislation Atlas (AMLA): The ALSF has developed a compendium of
African mining laws and a guiding template ( for revising or drafting
laws that promote good governance, including model clauses on anti-corruption, conflicts of
interest, and anti-transfer pricing.
ResourcesContracts: The ALSF has been supporting the Natural Resource Governance
Institute (NRGI) in developing a website ( with a growing
collection of publicly available mining, oil and gas contracts that seeks to help resource-rich
countries maximize public access to and better comprehension of their natural resource
contracts, as well as to improve contract transparency and accountability.
Public-Private-Partnership Legal Resource Center (PPPLRC): The ALSF has been
supporting the World Bank’s PPPLRC ( to carry out knowledge management activities in the area of PPPs. The PPP LRC
provides easy access to an array of sample legal materials which can assist in the planning,
design and legal structuring of any infrastructure project — especially a project which
involves a public-private partnership (PPP). It is organized in two broad categories: (i)
guidance on structuring a PPP project and its enabling environment and (ii) sector specific
PPP Legislation Database: The ALSF developed PPP country profiles, which describe the PPP legal and institutional framework in African
countries. Each snapshot features a summary of the key components of the PPP legal
framework in a given country, including definition of PPP, key principles, institutional
framework, procurement and approvals process, rights and obligations of each party,
applicable law and disputes resolution, which allow the reader to gain a quick understanding
of the basic PPP legal framework. The snapshots provide cross-referencing to the specific
sections of the law for further information, and are available in English and French.
Understanding Power Sector Series: The ALSF partnered with U.S. Department of
Commerce’s Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) and other institutions to
develop the
Understanding Power handbooks series that African government officials are now using when
negotiating project finance deals (PPP country profiles). This series
includes the following handbooks:
ALSF Academy: The ALSF Academy is the ALSF’s umbrella capacity building initiative. It
is a 3-levels certification program in sovereign debt, mining, oil & gas, power, infrastructure
& public-private partnerships (PPPs) and in cross-sectoral subjects (Personal & professional
development (Level 1); Investment dispute resolution (Level 2); Governance, risk
management and compliance (Level 3). The ALSF Academy Portal (
was launched in October 2019. The Portal offers a range of online capacity building e-training
courses and related resources, such as course handbooks. The objectives of the ALSF
Academy are to enhance ability of African governments to negotiate and implement fair and
balanced commercial transactions; increase awareness and understanding of complex
commercial transaction negotiation processes among African legal professionals and other
non-legal government officials; strengthen capacity of African legal and other non-legal
government officials in Africa to better advise governments in litigation and negotiations; and
increased transfer of knowledge and skills to African legal professionals and government
officials related to litigation and complex commercial transactions.